Wintertime Treatment to Rejuvenate the Skin

My patients in Huntersville, NC know that when October hits it is time for IPL (Intense Pulsed Light). Why do I wait until the fall and winter? IPL is incredibly powerful and targeted in treating pigemented spots (benign areas of pigmentation) as well as broken capillaries. We like for the skin to be free from the sun of Lake Norman and for patients to be as light colored as possible, so that when we treat the skin we can utilize the level of energy needed to obtain significant results.
We typically tell our Charlotte, NC patients to protect their skin with a physical blocking sunscreen (zinc/titanium) several weeks prior to treatment and after treatment. We do call in a numbing cream that is utilized prior to treatment. While an IPL will feel like litte rubberbands hitting the skin, it is tolerable. Men should shave prior to treatment, to further minimize the discomfort and to allow for better penetration of the light into the skin.
Post treatment, you will be hot for about 1 hour. The skin will be red for 24-36 hours and if you have significant vessels (rosacea), you may swell under the eyes for 3-6 days. The brown sun spots will turn darker for about 1 week and then flake off. They will almost look like tiny peppercorns that are on the face for that time.
In about 2 weeks, the skin will look so much healthier with an even complexion. Typically two to four treatments are recommended, every 6 weeks. So what are you waiting for? Time for your IPL!
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